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New Beginnings

Many are excited for the arrival of Spring due to the long winters that are endured. We long for the warmer weather, gentle breezes and better driving conditions. We think of flowers blooming in an array of color and birds singing. Rambling brooks, or creeks as we call them, that are full of life due to the snow melting and the grass turning a brilliant green again. The trees start budding again and things just seem to return to life.

Everything that we took for granted throughout the prior year starts to take on a new meaning to us. We start to see the beauty in everything again and get that appreciation back we had lost. We become revitalized and the winter blues are erased away. We come out of hibernation.

Spring has a deeper meaning and the teacher is nature. Spring represents newness, regrowth, rebirth, new beginnings and a fresh start. It is the opportunity for not only those things we find beautiful in our surroundings, but also for ourselves. As the transition of Spring occurs, it is the perfect opportunity for us to start fresh, renewing ourselves and our lives, start new projects, changes within ourselves and sometimes our lives. We can shed our old ways, release fears and step out of the comfort zones of stagnation. It is a time for the rebirth of self.

Life is a never ending cycle and the Universe offers us unlimited gifts and blessings to give us the life we wish for and those dreams to be fulfilled. Unfortunately many allow the fear and anxiety of change to hinder who what and where they need to be. We aren't happy as life passes us by, but are willing to resist change.

I can only imagine what life would be if nature and wildlife resisted change like humans do? Learn from nature and wildlife.

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