Change... Fear... Faith and The Fool (Card)
Most of you who know me well, are aware that tarot is not my preference with readings. I used to use the tarot decks all the time, so the...

The Twin Flame Misconception
I am seeing all over Social Networking that people are determined to seek out their Twin Flames. What many aren't realizing about the...

Cutting The Etheric Cords of Others
Do you ever feel drained in the presence of someone you see often? Have you been in a relationship that wasn't favorable, or lasted a...

Guardian Angels Who Are They?
For the past few months, I have had many questions from people about our Guardian Angels, or as some refer to them as Guides. This...

New Beginnings
Many are excited for the arrival of Spring due to the long winters that are endured. We long for the warmer weather, gentle breezes and...

Transformation And Transition
Every winter I put myself through a spiritual cleansing and transformation period. For me it's the beginning of transition into Spring. A...

Our Loved Ones After Passing. A Message For You!
I am being told by the angels to share what I see when I come in contact with someone from the other side, so it will hopefully put your...
Happiness Is Yours For The Taking
Everywhere you look there are people who are either always smiling and laughing, or those who are either frowning, scowling; always just...

Yin And Yang
Many people associate the Yin and Yang with the balancing of relationships, the Night and Day, Dark and Light or Total Opposites. Did you...